Mastering Flow State, Be Focused.

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Step 0: Understanding Flow State

  • What is Flow State? It’s a mental state where your mind focuses solely on one task without distractions or intrusive thoughts.

  • Tasks That Induce Flow State: For me, tasks like scripting, researching a video, reading science books, listening to podcasts, and studying biology help me enter the flow state. What are yours? If you don’t know yet, keep reading to discover how to identify them.

Step 1: Removing Distractions

  • Mental Distractions: Intrusive thoughts can disrupt focus. Meditation can help manage these thoughts. Start with three minutes of guided meditation in the first week, gradually increasing to ten minutes over a month. Eventually, practice sitting in silence for increasing durations.

  • External Distractions: Communicate your study times with family to minimize interruptions. Remember, habits take time to change, so be patient. Turn off notifications, put your phone in another room, or use grayscale mode if you need your phone nearby.

Step 2: Preparing for Flow

  • Sleep and Nutrition: Ensure you get eight hours of sleep. Avoid eating before working, as digestion can divert energy from your brain.

  • Specific Goals: Define clear, specific tasks for each session. Instead of vague goals, specify what you’ll study and how you’ll study it. For example, “From 3 to 5 PM, I will script my video and solve eight biology questions.”

Step 3: Establishing a Routine

  • Pre-Work Preparation: List down everything you need before starting work—fill your water bottle, arrange your books, and visit the washroom.

  • Stages of Flow: Understand that achieving flow takes time. Like riding a bike through a grassy field, each attempt reduces resistance, creating a smoother path.

Step 4: Tools for Focus

  • Binaural Beats and Noise: Listen to binaural beats, white noise, brown noise, or pink noise to ease into a focused state. This can be done before or during your work sessions.

  • Study Duration and Warm-Up: Aim for 90-minute study sessions. Start with a 10-minute warm-up to get into the groove.

Step 5: Focus Schedule

  • Before starting work, I ask myself, “How can I make this task fun or engaging?” I use the internet to find answers, play lo-fi music in the background, and experiment with new ideas.

  • 10-Minute Meditation and Cold Shower: Begin with a short meditation, followed by a cold shower to invigorate the body and mind.

  • Curiosity and Challenge: Before diving into work, I ask, “How can I get curious about this task?” I remind myself that the first 10 minutes will be challenging but rewarding. I turn off notifications and, if needed, play white noise in the background.

Step 6: Post-Flow Habits

  • After Work: Avoid overstimulation by staying away from screens. Consider a nap to let your brain process and rejuvenate.

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